Tips on Caring for Feral Cats Year-Round and What Not To Do

While some cats are easy to spot as domesticated, others are obviously homeless and could use a little assistance from humans. Most feral cats will seek shelter almost anywhere they can like under raised buildings, in sheds, under porches, and under the hoods of cars. While this might be okay for a limited time, it is better for the cats to have their own space to live that is warmer than a porch and safer than on the warm engine of a vehicle. When it comes to food, feral cats scavenge the ground and garbage bins, also can end up killing out native small wild animals and birds if they get hungry enough. This can be prevented by providing an outdoor cat feeding station for a cat that would otherwise go malnourished and hungry.

Your very kind offerings of food, water, shelter, and more will help to care for a cat year-round 

              Provide a homemade shelter during any season

Before you construct a shelter, make sure there’s a good space to place it that’s away from busy and noisy paths. If it is cooler weather, find an area that backs up to a large object like a wall or fence to block out chilly winds. In warmer temperatures, place under shady areas to protect its occupants from the hot sun. Homemade cat shelters are easy and cheap to construct! You can make a simple DIY shelter using a plastic storage bin or Esky cooler, with woolen blanket inside for cold winter weather), and timber or bricks to lift the shelter up off of moisture. You can find instructions on google

                    Provide food and water

Setting out a bowl of cat food is a wonderful thing to do for cat. A wet canned cat food is best for digestion, but dry food is very affordable and will be just as welcomed by a hungry cat .Decide on a good spot for a feeding station that is away from busy foot and road traffic, while being near your homemade shelter (if you’ve provided one). Make a regular daily schedule for when you put food out, and to not attract insects or other animals to the food, remove the bowls after 30 to 45 minutes. Also, provide fresh water daily and throughout all weather types. If it freezes where you live, use a wider, deeper insulated bowl. Keep bowls sanitary by cleaning frequently.

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